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News Room: Kenya to host first investment conference of Somalia - Thursday, 23 July 2015 23:18
News Room: Coca-Cola opens $17m production plant in Somalia - Tuesday, 08 September 2015 17:37
News Room: Somalia aims to resume banana exports - Thursday, 01 October 2015 17:07

Community Enhancement

In Somalia, following two decades of civil war and anarchy, the creation of viable security and stability conditions is a prerequisite for an environment conducive to the establishment of institutions and democratic governance, reconciliation and longer-term development. The background documents prepared for this JSP include a comprehensive description of the democratic governance approach, an analysis of the situation in which the approach is embedded, and the pillar implications for sector programming.

Our strategy will focus on support to enhance security, governance (institutional capacity – state institutions, including executive, legislative and judiciary, planning, regulatory frameworks, etc.),

Support for the establishment/development of a civilian police force and demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) programmes.

  • Support reconciliation through dialogue and peace-building at all national Levels 
  • Short and medium-term to build reconciliation through constructive dialogue process.
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